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4.4 ( 8304 ratings )
السفر نمط الحياة
المطور: Cyber Digital Systems Ltd.


Tours-App connect the traveller in you directly with the thousands of operators worldwide skipping the middle man which increase costs and reduce flexibility.

Browse the region of your next or current destination to find a list of carefully selected tours, adventures, excursions or visits that are offered by the tour operators directly to you. Review the details, check out other travellers reviews on the tour, and book and pay directly from the App.

Already in the country travelling... use the Tours-App to check out last minute deals, often those deals are trips departing in the next few hours and discounted by the operator directly to fill up remaining seat or last minute cancellations allowing you to grab a bargain in the process!


Yes there are several Travel Apps available around often backed by very large operator names, but where the Tours-App differs is because it is in fact two Apps working together and not just one for the user!

Let us explain... All the travel agents and tour apps currently available give you a list of tours and services offered for you to book. These listings are based on reserved blocks that travel agents have with tour operators at a specific price.
The operator / driver cannot sell those travel agents blocks privately without notice for the risk of becoming unlisted from the travel agent website / app.

This means that a tour operator allows a margin of a number of seats on each of their tours reserved for the travel agents and if those are not sold by the travel agent within an agreed period (generally within 24 hours of departure) then the tour operator / driver is free to sell them directly.

When you book a travel agent tour on their website/app or over the phone, this goes to a central reservation system that is either handled by the travel agent itself or is re-directed to the correct travel agent. Your booking is then sent to the operator/drivers to inform them that one or more of the reserved blocks has been sold.

Where the Tours-App differs is by establishing a live link between you the client and the tour operator that is instantly updated wherever you are in the world and regardless of each time-zone each of you are.

At any time, a tour operator can add new tours or services and make it available online to the Tours-App users with a few simple touches on their App. Equally, they can adjust or remove a tour from the schedule and it will instantly be removed from sale on the users App.

This in itself, allows a much quicker process for tour operators to inform clients on new tours available and the time and prices without having to inform the travel agent(s) which would then need to administer the information for it to finally appear live on their website/apps a few hours/days later.

One of the greatest benefits of the ground breaking Tours-App is its ability to be instantly updated. Tour operators with spare seats (those unsold travel agent blocks for example), unsold or last minute cancellations, can offer those seats for sale - at a discounted price - as a "last minute deal".


Your browse the tours available in your selected area, once you have find one that you like, check out the availability and price, if one suits you, then simply select it, enter your details and pay for it with your debit/credit card or PayPal account. You will receive an email confirmation as well as your tour ticket straight on the App.

Meanwhile the operator will instantly receive confirmation of the booking and your basic details.

On the date and time of the Tours, make sure you arrive early at the departure point and your operator will check in your ticket.

Check out the "Best Deals" listed in your area for lat minute discounts too..